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Organizing the Bunch Menu

If you have a significant number of Bunches, you may want more control over how Bunches appear in the menu.

Set Display Titles

Start by setting the title displayed in the menu using title frontmatter. You can use emoji in the display title without affecting the alphanumeric sort order.

Just add a block of text at the top of your Bunch:

title: 🎉My First Bunch!

Whatever you specify in the title frontmatter is what will be shown in the menu instead of the filename.

Define Menu Order

You can manually control the order of menu items using menu order frontmatter.

title: 👍My Second Bunch
menu order: 2

Using menu order frontmatter overrides the alphanumeric sorting of Bunches in the menu. Any Bunches that don’t have menu order assigned will still be sorted alphabetically.

Sort With Submenus

Lastly, you can use folders in Finder to create submenus of Bunches. Submenus appear at the end of the list, after any Bunches in the base Bunch Folder.

To add a submenu, create a folder inside of your Bunch Folder (the base folder defined in Preferences) in Finder. Move Bunches you want in the submenu into the new folder. Bunch will automatically create a submenu titled with the name of the subfolder (see below for customizing the title), listing the Bunches it contains.

If you have a file arrangement like this:

Bunch Folder/
    Bunch 1.bunch
    Bunch 2.bunch
        Bunch 3.bunch
        Bunch 4.bunch
        folder.frontmatter (optional, see Customizing the Submenu Title)

The resulting menu would look like:

A few things to note:

  1. Folders can only be nested one level deeper than the base folder. Folders inside of subfolders will be ignored.
  2. Relative paths (for scripts, snippets, other Bunches) used in Bunches within subfolders are still relative to the base folder. If you reference without a path, it will be assumed that it’s located in the base Bunch Folder.
  3. In the base menu, each item gets a numeric shortcut key automatically assigned to it. Items in submenus are not assigned shortcut keys, but you can still assign a custom one using shortcut frontmatter.
  4. Bunches with the same name can exist in different subfolders. When referring to a Bunch in a subfolder (from another Bunch or via AppleScript/URL handler) you should prefix with the folder name (e.g. Subfolder/Bunch Name). This can be either the actual folder name, or the display title.

Submenu Frontmatter

If you include a file called folder.frontmatter inside the subfolder, frontmatter keys in this file will be applied to all Bunches it contains, with the exceptions listed below.

A folder.frontmatter file can also exist in the base Bunch Folder, but doesn’t affect subfolders and all submenu-specific keys are ignored. Other keys it contains will be applied to all Bunches in the root folder.

The following frontmatter keys in folder.frontmatter only apply to subfolders and will not affect the Bunches they contain:

To ignore a folder completely, set ignore to true:
ignore: true
Use the title key to set display title for the submenu, overriding the name of the folder. This can include emoji. Sort order of submenus is alphanumeric, ignoring emoji.
title: 👍🏻The Submenu Title
menu divider
You can add menu separators before or after the submenu item as well, by setting menu divider to before or after:
title: Submenu After Divider
menu divider: before

All other keys are passed on to the Bunches the folder contains, with the exception of shortcut (which is ignored entirely).

Folder frontmatter can also be used to apply frontmatter keys to every file it contains. See Applying Frontmatter to Multiple Bunches.

Organize With Tags

If one or more Bunches have frontmatter that includes a tags: key, a Tags submenu will be created. Each tag will have a menu entry, and it will contain all Bunches with that tag. Bunches in a tag can be launched individually, or you can use the Open, Close, and Toggle commands within the tag’s submenu to act on all Bunches with that tag.

The tags: key should contain a list of one or more tags, separated by commas. Tags are case insensitive. You do not need to surround tag lists in quotes or brackets (though either will be ignored if you do). Tags can have spaces, but they’re easiest to manage if they’re one word (hyphenated if needed).

title: My Cool Bunch
tags: login, comms

Tag Frontmatter

You can create frontmatter that applies to all Bunches with a certain tag by creating a file in your Bunch folder called @[tagname].frontmatter, where [tagname] is the name of the tag to which the frontmatter should apply. Any Bunch with a tag matching [tagname] will receive that frontmatter. Frontmatter keys applied in this manner are low priority, and if values for a given key are supplied using any other means — including in the individual Bunch’s frontmatter — they will override the tag frontmatter.
