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Opening URLs

If you want to open web pages as part of a Bunch, you can just put a URL at the beginning of a line (like you would an app) and that URL will be opened in your default browser. If the URL is a URL scheme for an installed app, it will be executed as if called from a link or via the open command.

Opening URLs in a Specific Browser

If you want to open a url in a specific browser, you can use prefixes before the url. Examples:


The recognized browser prefixes are:

  • brave:
  • chrome: (Google Chrome)
  • canary: (Google Chrome Canary)
  • edge: (Microsoft Edge)
  • firefox:
  • firefoxdev: (Firefox Developer Edition)
  • opera:
  • safari:
  • tor: (TorBrowser)
  • vivaldi:

In most cases, you can also send a URL as a file to a browser and it will open it properly, as in:


Opening in a Specific Chrome Profile

For the chrome: and canary: prefixes, you can also include a profile name in square brackets to have a url open in a specific profile. This will open a new window with the profile, and multiple links targeting the same profile will open tabs in that window.


Profile names are case insensitive and allow partial matches (“work” will match the profile “Work Profile”). Bunch will go with the first matching name it finds.

Profiles cannot be used when passing URLs as file lines.

Beta Feature: this feature is currently in development and is only available to those using the preview build. If you want to help test new features, feel free to download and run the beta release.

Quitting Browsers On Close (Beta)

If you set quit browsers: true in frontmatter, browsers opened with browser:url syntax will be quit when the Bunch closes. This can be modified per line with a % prefix to ignore on close.

Preventing Duplicate Tabs

Bunch doesn’t parse open tabs to determine if a URL would open a duplicate tab, but you can add extensions to your browser to accomplish this.


Sending GET/POST Requests

Some URLs, such as webhook triggers, are meant to be pinged but not opened in your browser. To accomplish this with Bunch, you can use the curl command in a shell script item. See Home Automation for examples of sending GET requests using curl.
