Welcome to Bunch

Bunch is a macOS utility that uses plain text scripts called “Bunches” to automate context switching. It sits in your menu bar, out of the way. When you click the menu item, it provides a list of your Bunches, each one representing an environment for your work or play. Bunches can open apps, specific files, web pages, and more. For the Power Users, It also allows advanced scripting, system commands, and integration via a URL handler.
- Download Bunch
- Learn how to install
- Get started using Bunch
- Check out the quick reference and example Bunches

I wrote Bunch because I tend to launch a specific group of apps depending on the context I’m working in. These are apps I wouldn’t launch on login, and don’t need running all the time. I just wanted to make starting a new context into one click. It started with little Script Editor and Automator applets, but I found I wanted something easily configured with text files, quick to set up and easy to modify. It grew from there.
Bunch has expanded a lot since that humble beginning. It can serve as a full context switcher, and handle just about everything you’d want to automate when starting a new context (see the Syntax Summary for an overview of all the cool stuff you can do).